Jörn Tröber, Lawyer
He is the founder of the law firm TRÖBER@ legal, which has specialised in the core areas of IT law, data protection law, data security law and AI law since 2016. He is also a specialist lawyer for information technology law.

Founder of the firm
Certified lawyer for information technology law
Founder of the law firm, born 1964 in Göttingen, 1984 Abitur at the Gymnasium Petrinum in Dorsten, studied law and business administration from 1986 to 1990 in Münster, 1991 1st state exam at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm, legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Essen and the Regional Court of Münster, 1994 Assessorexamen at the State Judicial Examination Office of North Rhine-Westphalia, since January 1995 admitted to the bar at the Regional Court of Münster, 1997 co-founder and partner of the law firm Dr. Schmitz, Brakel, Tröber, Denno (until the end of 2015). 2016 Founding of the law firm TRÖBER@, specializing in IT law, data protection law and IT security law.
1995 to 2000 lecturer for public law for the First and Second State Law Examinations in a legal repetitorium, certified lawyer for information technology law (Fachanwalt für Informationstechnologierecht), 2006 to 2007 deputized lawyer to the NRW State Judicial Examination Office, since 2008 part-time member of the NRW State Judicial Examination Office for the Second State Law Examination (examination chairman).
- Member of Europäischen Anwaltskooperation (EAK) EWIV
European Lawyers Cooperation - Member of Deutschen Juristentag e.V.
German Jurists' Conference - Member of Deutschen Anwaltverein (DAV)
German Lawyers Association - Member of Deutscher EDV-Gerichtstag e.V.
German IT Court Day - Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik (DGRI e.V.)
German Society for Law and Informatics - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Informationstechnologie im DAV (DAVIT), Founding member
Information Technology Working Group of the German Lawyers' Association - Mitglied of Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (GDD) e.V.
Society for Data Protection and Data Security
University lecturing
- since 09/2010 Lecturer for IT Law (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences)
- since 03/2010 Lecturer for Advertising Law on the Internet (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences)
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